By Nicolas Boussin - Maxime Guérin

Recipe Chocolate Cake

To make this dish

Ingredient list

  • Chocolate cake batter
    323 g sugar
    209 g honey
    648 g eggs
    209 g finely ground almonds
    323 g plain flour (T55, approximately 11% protein)
    17 g baking powder
    69 g cacao powder
    227 g Lescure Unsalted 250g butter Roll 82% fat
    152 g dark chocolate "ganache" 53%
    323 g Lescure UHT Cream 35% fat
    2500 g total weight
  • Cocoa & vanilla soaking syrup
    205 g water
    164 g sugar
    0,5 pce/s vanilla pods
    27 g cocoa nibs
    400 g total weight
  • Cocoa glaze
    205 g hot neutral glaze
    82 g water
    14 g cacao powder
    300 g total weight
  • Dark chocolate curls
    300 g dark chocolate 63%
    300 g total weight
  • Chocolate Cake finishing touches
    SQ Lescure Unsalted 250g butter Roll 82% fat
    SQ plain flour (T55, approximately 11% protein)
    100 g dark chocolate "ganache" 53%
    SQ decorative icing sugar
    SQ cocoa nib crumbs
    100 g total weight

The recipe, step by step

  1. 01

    Chocolate cake batter

    In the bowl of a stand mixer, combine the sugar, honey and eggs using the paddle.

    Add the sifted-together dry ingredients and combine without overworking the batter.

    Melt the chocolate with the butter then stir into the first mixture.

    Finally add the cold cream.

    Refrigerate overnight.

  2. 02

    Cocoa & vanilla soaking syrup

    Prepare a syrup with the water and sugar.

    Add the vanilla and cocoa nibs.

    Let infuse for at least 4 hours (ideally overnight).

    Strain before using.

  3. 03

    Cocoa glaze

    Combine the ingredients and bring to the boil.

  4. 04

    Dark chocolate curls

    Spread the melted chocolate at 34°C onto a marble surface and form curls using a flexible blade such as a fish filleting knife.

  5. 05

    Chocolate Cake finishing touches

    Use the cocoa nibs from the cocoa-vanilla syrup (dried in the proofer after infusing then ground in the food processor).

    Butter the Matfer Exoglass moulds (Ref 345079) with softened butter, flour lightly and place in the refrigerator.

    Pipe 150 g of batter into each mould.

    Sprinkle with 10 g of chopped dark chocolate then pipe out another 100 g of chocolate cake batter over top.

    Split the cakes in half using a pastry scraper dipped in melted butter.

    Place the moulds on a rack (for even colouring) in a convection oven preheated to 190°C, then bake at 160°C (damper closed) for approximately 30 minutes.

    Remove from the oven and unmould immediately.

    Imbibe each cake with 35 g of syrup then let cool.

    Glaze the tops of the cakes, sprinkle the extremities with finely ground cocoa nibs.

    Sprinkle the chocolate curls with decorative icing sugar, then place on the tops of the cakes.

    For even, symmetrical development, place the moulds perpendicularly to the fan and turn the rack around halfway through.